XmlDataDocument Events Working in VB.NET

In this article I will explain working with XmlDataDocument Events in ADO.NET.
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The XmlDataDocument events are useful when your application needs to notify you when changes are being made to an XmlDataDocument object. XmlDocument defines XmlDataDocument events (see Table 9-6).

Table 9-6. XmlDataDocument Events




Occurs when the value of a node has been changed


Occurs when the value of a node is changing


Occurs when a node inserted into another node


Occurs when a node inserting to another node


Occurs when a node has been removed


Occurs when a node is being removed

The XmlNodeChangedEventHandler method handles the events listed in Table 9-6. The XmlNodeChangedEventHandler is as follows:

Public Delegate Sub XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(ByVal senderAs Object,ByVal e As XmlNodeChangedEventArgs)

Where sender is the source of the event and e is an XmlNodeChangedEventArgs that contains the event data. XmlNodeChangedEventArgs defines properties (see Table 9-7).

Table 9-7. The XmlNodeChangedEventArgs properties




Returns a value indicating the type of node changed event


Returns a value of parent node after the operation is finished


Returns the node that is being added, removed, or changed


Returns the value of the parent node before operation started

Listing 9-11. Handles XmlDataDocument events. The XmlDocumentBtn_Click method creates event handlers for the NodeChanged, NodeInserted, and NodeRemoved events. The MyNodeChangedEvent, MyNodeInsertEvent, and MyNodeRemoved event handlers execute when these events fire. I used LoadXml to load an XML fragment and then used the ReplaceChild and RemoveChild methods to replace and remove document nodes.

Listing 9-11. The XmlDataDocument event handling sample

    Private Sub XmlDocumentBtn_Click(ByVal sender As Object,ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
        xmlDoc.LoadXml("<Record> Some Value </Record>")

        ' Create the event handlers.
        AddHandler xmlDoc.NodeChanged,AddressOf Me.MyNodeChangedEvent
        AddHandler xmlDoc.NodeInserted,AddressOf Me.MyNodeInsertedEvent
        AddHandler xmlDoc.NodeRemoved,AddressOf Me.MyNodeRemovedEvent
        Dim root As XmlElement = xmlDoc.DocumentElement
        Dim str As String = root.ToString()
        Dim xmlDocFragmentAs XmlDocumentFragment = xmlDoc.CreateDocumentFragment()
        xmlDocFragment.InnerXml = "<Fragment><SomeDate>Fragment Data</SomeDate></Fragment>"

        ' Replace Node
        Dim rootNodeAs XmlElement = xmlDoc.DocumentElement
        rootNode.ReplaceChild(xmlDocFragment, rootNode.LastChild)

        'Remove Node
        Dim nodeAs XmlNode = xmlDoc.LastChild
   End Sub

Listing 9-12. Shows the NodeChangedEvent handler. The Node property of XmlNodeChangedEventArgs returns XmlNode. Using the Node property you can get more information about a node such as its parent node, value, name, namespace, and so on. 
Listing 9-12. The NodeChanged event handler

   Public Sub MyNodeChangedEvent(ByVal srcAs Object,ByVal args As XmlNodeChangedEventArgs)
        MessageBox.Show("Node Changed Event Fired for node " & args.Node.Name)
        If args.Node.ValueIsNot Nothing Then
        End If
   End Sub
Similar to listing 9-12, Listing 9-13 and 9-14 show event handlers for the NodeInserted and NodeRemoved events.
Listing 9-13. The NodeInserted event handler

    Public Sub MyNodeInsertedEvent(ByVal src As Object,ByVal args As XmlNodeChangedEventArgs)
        MessageBox.Show("Node Inserted event fired for node " & args.Node.Name)

        If args.Node.Value IsNot Nothing Then
        End If
    End Sub

Listing 9-14.The NodeRemoved event handler

    Public Sub MyNodeRemovedEvent(ByVal src As Object,ByVal args As XmlNodeChangedEventArgs)
        MessageBox.Show("Node Removed event fired for node " & args.Node.Name)
        If args.Node.ValueIsNot Nothing Then
        End If
   End Sub
Hope this article would have helped you in understanding working with XmlDataDocument Events in ADO.NET. See other articles on the website also for further reference.


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