String Operations in Visual Basic

VB has numerous built-in string functions for processing strings. Most VB string-handling functions return a string, although some return a number such as the Len function which returns the length of a string and functions like Instr and InstrRev which return a character position within the string.
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VB has numerous built-in string functions for processing strings. Most VB string-handling functions return a string, although some return a number such as the Len function which returns the length of a string and functions like Instr and InstrRev which return a character position within the string. The functions that return strings can be coded with or without the dollar sign ($) at the end, although it is more efficient to use the version with the dollar sign. The String class of the .NET framework provides many built-in methods to facilitate the comparison and manipulation of strings. It is now a trivial matter to get data about a string or to create new strings by manipulating current strings. The Visual Basic .NET language also has inherent methods that duplicate many of these functionalists.

String operations in VB

  • Comparison : Used to compare two string.
  • Concatenation : Used to add two string.
  • Containment : To find out if one string is a substring of another use the InStr function.
  • Indexing and Substrings : Strings can be used almost as if they were lists of characters.
  • String constants : String constants can be declared like any other constant.

Example :  Simple example comparison of string in VB.


 Option Explicit
  Dim strTom as String
  Dim strTom2 as String
  strTom = "manish"
  strTom2 = "manish"
  If StrComp(strTom, strTom2) = 0 Then
     Debug.Print "The strings are the same.


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