How to Use Correlation Names with Inner Join in SQL

In this article I am going to explain how to use correlation names with inner join.
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Here I am going to explain how to use correlation names with inner join. Correlation name are temporary table names which are used in FROM clause. It is used when your table name is long and it makes statement very long and confusing. Correlation name makes statement easy to read. If you are creating correlation name of any table then it is must to use the correlation name of table.

A Statement that create mcninvoices table


Statements that insert data in mcninvoices table

inv (2).jpg

A Statement that is used to fetch data from mcninvoices table


A Statement that create vendors table


Statements that insert data in vendors table

ven (1).jpg

A Statement that is used to fetch data from vendors table

ven (2).jpg

A Statement that use correlation names with inner join


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