DomainUpDown Control in VB.NET

The Windows Forms DomainUpDown control looks like a combination of a text box and a pair of arrows for moving up or down through a list.
  • 2477

The Windows Forms DomainUpDown control looks like a combination of a text box and a pair of arrows for moving up or down through a list. The control displays and sets a text string from a list of choices. The user can select the string by clicking up and down buttons to move through a list, by pressing the UP and DOWN ARROW keys, or by typing a string that matches an item in the list. One possible use for this control is for selecting items from an alphabetically sorted list of names. (To sort the list, set the Sorted property to true.) The function of this control is very similar to the list box or combo box, but it takes up very little space.
The Windows Forms DomainUpDown control looks like a combination of a text box and a pair of buttons for moving up or down through a list. The control displays and sets a text string from a list of choices. The user can select the string by clicking up and down buttons to move through a list, by pressing the UP and DOWN ARROW keys, or by typing a string that matches an item in the list. One possible use for this control is for selecting items from an alphabetically sorted list of names. (To sort the list, set the Sorted property to true.) The function of this control is very similar to the list box or combo box, but it takes up very little space.

The key properties of the control are Items, ReadOnly, and Wrap. The Items property contains the list of objects whose text values are displayed in the control. If ReadOnly is set to false, the control automatically completes text that the user types and matches it to a value in the list. If Wrap is set to true, scrolling past the last item will take you to the first item in the list and vice versa. The key methods of the control are UpButton and DownButton.

This control displays only text strings. If you want a control that displays numeric values, use the NumericUpDown control. For more information, see Introduction to the Windows Forms NumericUpDown Control.

Adding Items from DomainUpDown Controls
You can add items to the Windows Forms DomainUpDown control in code. Call the Add or Insert method of the DomainUpDownItemCollection class to add items to the control's Items property. The Add method adds an item to the end of a collection, while the Insert method adds an item at a specified position.

To add a new item

  • Use the Add method to add an item to the end of the list of items.

        Private Sub DomainUpDown1_SelectedItemChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DomainUpDown1.SelectedItemChanged

            DomainUpDown1.Items.Add("New York")

        End Sub

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Removing Items from DomainUpDown Controls
You can remove items from the Windows Forms DomainUpDown control by calling the Remove or RemoveAt method of the DomainUpDownItemCollection class. The Remove method removes a specific item, while the RemoveAt method removes an item by its position.

To remove an item

  • Use the Remove method of the Items collection to remove an item by name.

            DomainUpDown1.Items.Remove("New York")


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