Check and Uncheck All in HTML

In this article I will tell you about how to check and uncheck all checkboxes in HTML
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In this article we will learn about how to check and uncheck all checkboxes in HTML. Suppose you have multiple checkboxes on a form. You can use the following code snippets to implement check all or uncheck all tags.




<script language="JavaScript">

<!--    Begin

    var checkflag = "false";

    function check(field) {

        if (checkflag == "false") {

            for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {

                field[i].checked = true;


            checkflag = "true";

            return "Uncheck All";


        else {

            for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {

                field[i].checked = false;


            checkflag = "false";

            return "Check All";



//  End -->





<form name=myform action="" method=post>



<b>Your Favorite Scripts & Languages</b><br>

<input type=checkbox name=list value="1">Java<br>

<input type=checkbox name=list value="2">JavaScript<br>

<input type=checkbox name=list value="3">ASP<br>


<input type=button value="Check All" onClick="this.value=check(this.form.list)">





<font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href=""><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">HTML Tutorials</span></a></font>





You will see following output:


Now click on button CheckAll to check all the checkbox.


Now click on UncheckAll to uncheck all the checkbox.


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