ArgumentException in .NET

In this article we will explain how we can handle the ArgumentException in .NET.
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ArgumentException is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid .Computers can't handle this situation without using exception handling so its gives an error or Exception.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

namespace application


    class Program


        static int Ma(string argument)


          // Handle invalid argument.

            if (argument.Length == 0)


                throw new ArgumentException("Zero-length string invalid", "argument");


            return argument.Length;


        static void Main()


             // using try and catch block





            catch (Exception ex)


                Console.WriteLine( ex);

                Console.WriteLine("HelpLink = {0}", ex.HelpLink);

                Console.WriteLine("Message = {0}", ex.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("Source = {0}", ex.Source);

                Console.WriteLine("StackTrace = {0}", ex.StackTrace);






The output of following program


ArgumentNullException and ArgumentOutOfRangeException is the derived class from ArgumentException. 

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