XAML Floater

This article shows how to use XAML Floater element to create floaters and add them to the contents of a WPF document.
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A floater is a portion of flow content with placement properties that can be customized independently from the primary content flow within a FlowDocument. A floater has following attributes.

   A floater cannot be positioned.
    You cannot set the offset or anchor on a floater.
A floater cannot be sized to more than one column. If the size of a floater does not fit in a column, the outside area will not be visible.
You cannot set height of a floater.
    If contents of a floater do not fit in a given width, it paginates. It may paginate to next column, next page and so on.

Floater element in XAML is used to create floater to a FlowDocument. The following code snippet creates a floater.

<Floater> Blocks </ Floater >

 A Floater has only two properties â€" HorizontalAlignment and Width. The following code snippet sets these properties.

<Floater Name="MCFloater" Background="GhostWhite" ]
                 Width="300" HorizontalAlignment="Left" >   
</ Floater >

 Listing 1 is a complete example that shows how to create a Floater and add some contents to it.

<FlowDocument ColumnWidth="400" IsOptimalParagraphEnabled="True" IsHyphenationEnabled="True"   >
    <Section Name="Heading" FontSize="20" FontFamily="Georgia" Background="LightSalmon"  >
            Floater Sample
        <Floater Name="MCFloater" Background="GhostWhite"
         Width="300" HorizontalAlignment="Left" >
            <Table CellSpacing="5">
                    <TableColumn Width="155"/>
                    <TableColumn Width="130"/>
                        <TableCell ColumnSpan="3" Background="LightBlue" FontSize="16"  >
                            <Paragraph>Mindcracker Statistics</Paragraph>
                    <TableRow Background="LightGoldenrodYellow" FontSize="11">
                            <Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">Monthly Page views:</Paragraph>
                            <Paragraph>3.8 Million</Paragraph>
                    <TableRow FontSize="11" Background="LightGray">
                            <Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">Monthly Unique Visitors:</Paragraph>
                            <Paragraph>2.3 Million</Paragraph>
                     <TableRow Background="LightGoldenrodYellow" FontSize="11">
                            <Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">US Visitors:</Paragraph>
                        <TableCell ColumnSpan="4">
                            <Paragraph FontSize="10" FontStyle="Italic">
                                View more details on
                                <Hyperlink NavigateUri="http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/forums/">
                                    Mindcracker Network.


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