Take and Sum operator in LINQ using VB.NET

This article defines the basic use of the Take and Sum operators in LINQ.
  • 4396

Take Operator

Take operator will return first N number of element a sequence and then skips the remainder of the sequence.

For example

This example returns the first 7 element from the array of strings and then skips the remainder of the sequence.

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim names As String() = {"Micalgray", "Hari", "Tayler", "Bharat", "Monu", "Rohatash", "Naresh", "omveer", "Deepak", "smith"}

        Dim query As IEnumerable(Of String) = names.Take(7)

        For Each s As String In query



    End Sub

End Module



Sum Operator

Sum operator returns sum of the numbers in a sequence.

For example

The following returns the total length of each of the strings in the names array.

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim names As String() = {"Micalgray", "Hari", "Tayler", "Bharat", "Monu", "Rohatash", "Naresh", "omveer", "Deepak", "smith"}

        Dim TotalLength As Integer = names.Sum(Function(s) s.Length)

        Console.WriteLine("The total length :" & TotalLength)

    End Sub

End Module




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