Silverlight Easing in VB.NET

Animation in Silverlight is one of the exciting topics which is available since the initial release of the Silverlight technology. There are some enhancements and performance improvements in every release of Silverlight on Animations.
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Easing: Animation in Silverlight is one of the exciting topics which is available since the initial release of the Silverlight technology. There are some enhancements and performance improvements in every release of Silverlight on Animations. You have also an another ability that is Easing you can add easing to youe animation, it is allows you to alter the change in properties so that, instead of the change being constant, you can add some acceleration, deceleration, etc.

Let's describe the EasingMode. You can set it to:

  1. EaseIn - the animation ease function occurs in the beginning of the animation.
  2. EaseOut - the animation ease function occurs in the end of the animation.
  3. EaseInOut - the animation ease function occurs both in the beginning and in the end of the animation.

The different types of EasingMode are:

  1. BackEase
  2. BounceEase
  3. CircleEase
  4. CubicEase
  5. ElasticEase
  6. ExponentialEase
  7. PowerEase
  8. QuarticEase
  9. QuiniticEase
  10. SineEase

The following graphs demonstrate the different values of EasingMode, where f(t) represents the animation progress and t represents time.





Hope this article help you to understand easing feature in silverlight.


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