Resources WPF in VB.NET

This article defines the static and dynamic resources in WPF and XAML.
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This article defines the static and dynamic resources in WPF and XAML.


Window control uses the Resources property (<Window.Resources>) to define resource. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) resources provide a simple way to reuse commonly defined objects and values. Resources in WPF allow you to set the properties of multiple controls at a time. For example you can set the background property on several elements in a WPF application using a single resource.

creating static resource

The below xaml code defines the static resource.

Window control uses the Resources property (<Window.Resources>) to define resource.

keyName: key name of the resource, which is unique string to identify the resource.

Xaml code


        <GeometryDrawing x:Key="color" Brush="Red">


                <EllipseGeometry RadiusX="200" RadiusY="10" />




The Key name is color in the above resource. using key name with StaticResource to apply the resource on the rectangle control.

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">

        <Rectangle Width="250" Height="98">


                <DrawingBrush Drawing="{StaticResource color}" />




Now run the application.



Creating dynamic resource

The below xaml code defines the dynamic resource.

XAML code


        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="roh" Color="green" />


    <Button Content="Button" Height="73" Name="Button1" Width="152" />


Now click on the Button control and add the following code.

Class MainWindow

    Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Button1.Background = CType(Me.FindResource("roh"), SolidColorBrush)

    End Sub

End Class

Now run the application.



Now click on the Button. the Window form looks like this.




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