Numeric Value Convert to Word format in VB.NET

In this article, We can see how to convert numerical value to word format in VB.NET.
  • 3955

In this article, We can see how to convert numerical value to word format in

This is the .aspx code:-

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
html xmlns="">
head runat="server">

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="50%" align="center">
                    <asp:Label ID="LableEnterValue" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" Text="Enter Your
Numeric Value"

                        Width="216px"></asp:Label><br />
                    <asp:TextBox ID="NumericTextBox" runat="server" Width="300px"></asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Convert" Width="206px"
OnClick="Button1_Click" />
                    <asp:Label ID="LabelConvertedValue" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" Text="Your
Converted Value"></
asp:Label><br />
                    <asp:TextBox ID="NumericToWordTextBox" runat="server" Width="500px"


This is the .vb code:-

Partial Class _Default
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Dim unitNum(20) As String
    Dim hundredNum(20) As String
    Dim thousendNum(20) As String
    Dim myNum As String
    Dim numGroup As Integer


    Public Function NumericToWords(ByVal myNum As String) As String
        Dim units As String
        Dim numericToWordsOutPut As String
        units = numericToWordsOutPut = ""
        Dim myNumArray(myNum.Length \ numGroup) As String
        Dim index As Int16 = -1
        For Count As Int16 = 0 To myNum.Length - numGroup Step numGroup
            index += 1
            myNumArray(index) = myNum.Substring(Count, numGroup)
        For Count As Int16 = 0 To (myNum.Length \ 3) - 1
            units = thousendNum(((myNum.Length \ numGroup) - 1) - Count + 1)
            numericToWordsOutPut &= CheckUnitOutput(myNumArray(Count)).TrimEnd(" ") & " " & units &
" "
        myNumArray = Nothing
        Return numericToWordsOutPut
    End Function


    Private Function CheckUnitOutput(ByVal myNum As String) As String
        Dim unitBasedOutput As String = ""
        Dim unitDigit As Int16 = Val(myNum.Substring(0, 1))
        Dim hundredDigit As Int16 = Val(myNum.Substring(1, 1))
        Dim thousendDigit As Int16 = Val(myNum.Substring(2, 1))
        If unitDigit >= 1 Then            unitBasedOutput &= unitNum(unitDigit) & " hundred "
        End If
        If Val(myNum.Substring(1, 2)) < 20 Then
            unitBasedOutput &= unitNum(Val(myNum.Substring(1, 2)))
        End If
        If Val(myNum.Substring(1, 2)) >= 20 Then
            unitBasedOutput &= hundredNum(hundredDigit) & " " & unitNum(thousendDigit)
        End If      
        Return unitBasedOutput
    End Function


    Private Sub FormatInitialization()
        thousendNum(0) = ""
        thousendNum(1) = ""
        thousendNum(2) = "Thousand"
        thousendNum(3) = "Million"
        thousendNum(4) = "Billion"
        thousendNum(5) = "Trillion"
        thousendNum(6) = "Quadrillion"
        thousendNum(7) = "Quintillion"
        thousendNum(8) = "Sextillion"
        thousendNum(9) = "Septillion"
        thousendNum(10) = "Octillion"
        thousendNum(11) = "Nonillion"
        thousendNum(12) = "Decillion"
        thousendNum(13) = "Undecillion"
        thousendNum(14) = "Duodecillion"
        thousendNum(15) = "Tredecillion"
        hundredNum(0) = ""
        hundredNum(1) = ""
        hundredNum(2) = "Twenty"
        hundredNum(3) = "Thirty"
        hundredNum(4) = "Forty"
        hundredNum(5) = "Fifty"
        hundredNum(6) = "Sixty"
        hundredNum(7) = "Seventy"
        hundredNum(8) = "Eighty"
        hundredNum(9) = "Ninety"
        unitNum(0) = ""
        unitNum(1) = "One"
        unitNum(2) = "Two"
        unitNum(3) = "Three"
        unitNum(4) = "Four"
        unitNum(5) = "Five"
        unitNum(6) = "Six"
        unitNum(7) = "Seven"
        unitNum(8) = "Eight"
        unitNum(9) = "Nine"
        unitNum(10) = "Ten"
        unitNum(11) = "Eleven"
        unitNum(12) = "Twelve"
        unitNum(13) = "Thirteen"
        unitNum(14) = "Fourteen"
        unitNum(15) = "Fifteen"
        unitNum(16) = "Sixteen"
        unitNum(17) = "Seventeen"
        unitNum(18) = "Eighteen"
        unitNum(19) = "Nineteen"
    End Sub


    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        numGroup = 3
    End Sub


    Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        myNum = NumericTextBox.Text
        If myNum.Length Mod numGroup <> 0 Then
            myNum = myNum.PadLeft(myNum.Length + (numGroup - (myNum.Length Mod numGroup)), "0")
        End If
        NumericToWordTextBox.Text = ""
        NumericToWordTextBox.Text = NumericToWords(myNum)
    End Sub






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