How to use For Each loop in VB.NET

The For Each Loop is also called a iterative loop. Whenever you want to repeat a task in programming several time or a given condition in this situation we use loop statements to achieve your desired results. This article defines the For Each Loop that how it repeat a task several time like FOR NEXT Loop, WHILE Loop.
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The For Each Loop is a iterative loop. Whenever you want to repeat a task in programming several time or a given condition in this situation we use loop statements to achieve your desired results. This article defines the For Each loop that how it repeat a task several time like For Next loop, While loop.

For Each loop

For loop is a iterative loop. it is used to execute a single item and item in group like every single element in an Array, or every single files in a folder or , every character in a String.


If we want to display every character in the web site name  "HTTP://vbdotnetheaven.COM" . In that situation for loop is very useful.

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim Name As String

        Dim sinChar As Char

        Name = "HTTP://vbdotnetheaven.COM" 'Assigning the site name in a variable

        For Each sinChar In Name           'This line is extracting the single item from the group  




    End Sub


End Module


Now you execute this program you will get each character of the string in console window.





Figure 1.


For Each loop with array


For Each loop is also used to work with array elements. the below example defines how to sort the array elements with for each loop.


For example


This example describes that how to sort the array elements.


Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim num As Integer() = New Integer(4) {}

        Console.WriteLine("Enter {0} number : ", num.Length)

        For i As Integer = 0 To num.Length - 1

            num(i) = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())



      Console.WriteLine("sorted array is :")

        For Each n As Integer In num



    End Sub


End Module





Figure 2.


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