CSS3 with HTML5

CSS is used to control the style and layout of Web pages. Cascading Style Sheets3 is the latest standard for Cascading Style Sheets.
  • 1603

CSS is used to control the style and layout of Web pages. Cascading Style Sheets3 is the latest standard for Cascading Style Sheets. HTML5 applications can provide awesome experiences thanks to the new CSS3 specifications. One of them is CSS3 Animations. It can help you building rich animations on HTML elements. Cascading Style Sheets and is a mark up language for altering and giving style to a website or elements within a website. The CSS3 represents the next generation of style sheet language. It is very important to learn that while it is fun to learn and play with CSS3 it is still not yet fully supported in current browsers. This means that if you are to incorporate CSS3 in a live website it would be a good idea to make sure there is fallback code for the browsers that are struggling to support it. Using CSS3 key frame animations, developers can create smooth, maintainable animations that perform relatively well and that do not require reams of scripting.

Some CSS3 property

  • text-shadow
  • webkit-box-shadow
  • box-shadow
  • multiple backgrounds

Sample CSS3 Media Query Code

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
    media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)"
    href="foureighty.css" />


This media query will trigger your foureighty style sheet if the visitor  browser is 480 pixels or less. In this manner, you can create different style sheets to accommodate for different orientations as well as screen sizes.

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